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Intelex Partners - Expertise - IT Law

Software Law

Secure Your Digital Future

In the complex world of software development, from the initial spark to potential divestiture, countless legal challenges lurk that ideally will be addressed proactively. Particularly in the develop­ment of proprietary software, the complete securing of all usage and ex­ploitation rights is crucial to protect your valuable digital asset as best as possible. Whether free­lancers, employees at various levels, or external soft­ware pro­viders are involved – our speciali­zation lies in the precise analysis of all contri­butors as well as in the targeted planning and safe­guarding of your future soft­ware applications.


Strategic Compass

for Software Use and Distribution

Regardless of whether your software is intended to be used internally or to be distributed as a license, we offer compre­hensive advice on your options and potential business models, such as purchase licenses or sub­scription models. We clearly and unam­biguously define what licensees may and may not do to consis­tently protect your com­mercial interests and intellec­tual property.


Licensee in Focus

Secure Your Software Investments

As a licensee, key questions about your software investments need to be answered: How critical is the soft­ware to your business? How can you protect yourself in the event of the licensor's insol­vency? Should source code be deposited with an escrow agent? We will also assist you with contractual questions of software implemen­tation and ensure that your support and main­tenance contracts precisely match your needs.


Open-Source Software

Navigate Through the License Landscape with Us

Open-Source Software (OSS) offers great opportunities but also poses specific challenges regarding license manage­ment and license compliance. We will assist you in exploiting the advan­tages of OSS while ensuring that your use and distri­bution of OSS compo­nents comply with appli­cable license terms.


InTeLex Partners

We are Your Partner

Whether you want to secure, have reviewed, develop/distribute, or acquire soft­ware assets, or whether you need legal support with software implemen­tation as well as support and main­tenance – we are here to develop tailored solutions with you. Contact us.



Your Guide Through the IT Outsourcing Process

The decision to outsource IT processes is often driven by multi­faceted motives: It may be the prospect of finan­cial savings or strategic repo­sitioning, especially when IT tasks beyond the core business are placed in the hands of expe­rienced partners.

Be it in the realm of Business Process Outsourcing, Managed Services Out­sourcing, Application Out­sourcing, or Infra­structure Out­sourcing – the common denomi­nator lies in the essential necessity of a solid contrac­tual basis when trans­ferring critical processes to third-party providers. Especially when out­sourced services flow into the offering to your customers, trust in the services of the out­sourcing provider is of elemental impor­tance. Out­sourcing not only ties up resources but also shifts some of the control functions out of your company. Therefore, detailed service descriptions, confiden­tiality clauses, provisions on liability, data pro­tection, service levels, and contrac­tual penalties, as well as agreements regarding the employed (key) person­nel, are indis­pensable compo­nents of a well-thought-out contrac­tual work – to name just a few, but central aspects. Depending on your sector, additional regulatory require­ments may become relevant.

Legally Shaping Your Outsourcing Strategy

Do you need support in drafting an outsourcing contract? Your journey through the complex world of IT outsourcing starts here – speak to us.


New European Legislation

United Strength in Digital Change: Your Guide Through Europe's New IT Legislation

In the course of rapid digital change, the European Union is formu­lating new legal frame­works – from the Data Act, Digital Services Act (DSA), and Digital Markets Act (DMA) to the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and Artificial Intelli­gence Act (AI Act). The EU pursues the vision of a digitized Euro­pean age, in which large tech cor­porations as well as small businesses are integrated. Its scope is broad and the looming con­sequences are significant.

Boost Your Digital Resilience and Compliance

Whether preparatory or in response to already implemen­ted European legal requirements – do you want to navigate your company effectively and securely through the multi­faceted land­scape of regulatory require­ments? Contact us now.

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